Isle of Skye - wet felted landscape by Liz Riley
Vivienne Morpeth handing over a blue green Nuno felted wall hanging. Scampston Hall August 2022
Moss and Lichen on a Dry Stone Wall - Wet felt & embroidery by Lynn Comley, UpandDownDale
Sue Wood - Needle felting on show at Scampston Hall exhibition
Wet felted bags by Liz Riley
Naturally dyed Teeswater locks by spinning expert Cath Snape
Summer Meadow - Wet felted picture by Lynn Comley aka UpandDownDale
Scampston Hall Walled Garden. Embracing Wool Exhibition August 2022. Hosted by The Bothies Charitable Trust at Scampston. Thank you to Di and team.
Felt Textures - Nuno felting by Vivienne Morpeth
Three vessels by Sue Wood
Limpet & Barnacle Study - entirely wet felted wool by member Lynn Comley, UpandDownDale
Lipizzano - Needle felted horse by Sue Wood
Embracing Wool members at Scampston Hall Exhibition. L to R: Cath Snape, Vivienne Morpeth, Alison Spaven, Liz Riley, Lynn Comley, Sue Wood.
Scampston Hall Walled Garden - EW exhibition venue August 2022